This afternoon I was struck by the urge to play chess. I think the feeling came from running into an aquintence last week at the tea house playing chess, and then seeing her a few days later, again playing chess in front of said tea house. Did I mention the aquaintance is very pretty?
Anyway, I decided this afternoon, rather abruptly and without provocation, that I needed to go down there and play chess. I was distracted by free tacos and friends at Charly's Pub, so if Divine Providence had inspired me to get off my hind end and meet my future over mango tea and a chess board, I fear I stood It up.
Instead I got my pot of tea, chess board, and newspaper and sat down at a table on the side walk. Now the tea house is located on the south side of the tracks, in what some might call a sketchy neighborhood. Sure it has some nice shops and a few bars and hostels, but it also has the rescue mission and strip joint and for serveral other reasons attracts an interesting mixture of pedestrians.
Sitting out in front of the tea house, board set up and ready to go, I got a smile from a pair of pretty girls, a few apologetic refusals to play, and then up wanders this kid who looks to be about 14 years old, tatooed up both arms, smoking a cigarette, and offers to play me.
Naturally I gladly accept and when he begins with what I dimly recall to be a standard opening, I wonder if I am in over my head. Bear in mind it has been years since I last played. Anyway, he succeeded in taking several of my pieces before I managed to force him into check-mate, at which point we shook hands and he said he had to get back to the party.
I think I may make a habit of sitting out on the sidewalk with a pot of tea and a chess board some afternoons and just see who else might wander by for a game. Only next time I'll be sure to have another tea-cup.
Anyway, I decided this afternoon, rather abruptly and without provocation, that I needed to go down there and play chess. I was distracted by free tacos and friends at Charly's Pub, so if Divine Providence had inspired me to get off my hind end and meet my future over mango tea and a chess board, I fear I stood It up.
Instead I got my pot of tea, chess board, and newspaper and sat down at a table on the side walk. Now the tea house is located on the south side of the tracks, in what some might call a sketchy neighborhood. Sure it has some nice shops and a few bars and hostels, but it also has the rescue mission and strip joint and for serveral other reasons attracts an interesting mixture of pedestrians.
Sitting out in front of the tea house, board set up and ready to go, I got a smile from a pair of pretty girls, a few apologetic refusals to play, and then up wanders this kid who looks to be about 14 years old, tatooed up both arms, smoking a cigarette, and offers to play me.
Naturally I gladly accept and when he begins with what I dimly recall to be a standard opening, I wonder if I am in over my head. Bear in mind it has been years since I last played. Anyway, he succeeded in taking several of my pieces before I managed to force him into check-mate, at which point we shook hands and he said he had to get back to the party.
I think I may make a habit of sitting out on the sidewalk with a pot of tea and a chess board some afternoons and just see who else might wander by for a game. Only next time I'll be sure to have another tea-cup.