Nuggets In The Scree

The story of Jared's trip to Haiti and the human rights work there can be found at . The tale of Jared and Mattie in Sri Lanka working in tsunami relief is at . Wildmeridian will continue to feature the same mix of rambling, musing, and muttering it always has.

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Location: Missoula, Montana, United States

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Myths and facts

The rumor is true; let me tell you how it all went down

We were 1000 feet below the summit of Longs Peak, perched on a 45 degree snow and ice ramp just below the rock headwall leading to the Loft. The weather, which had been Lousy all morning anyway, was now proceeding beyond Crappy and was well on the way to Scary. So decent was on our mind, even as we climbed higher into the very same wind that was driving ice crystals into our everyplace. Then Risa's crampon came loose from her boot. Perched precariously on the steep slippery white stuff, I down climbed to her position and helped her secure the crampon to the boot. Then finding myself kneeling beside her, I did the next logical thing:

I pulled out a ring and asked her to marry me.

And she said yes.

So we left the mountain to the winds without us, and descended, and spent the rest of the weekend eating Indian and Nepali food, touring the Boulder Meadery, hiking the Front Range, and hitting baseballs around the batting cages. We don't know when the wedding will be, or where (imagine a long time from now, what with school and all), but if you are reading this, you are probably invited. More than anything else, we are agreed it will be a great party.