Nuggets In The Scree

The story of Jared's trip to Haiti and the human rights work there can be found at . The tale of Jared and Mattie in Sri Lanka working in tsunami relief is at . Wildmeridian will continue to feature the same mix of rambling, musing, and muttering it always has.

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Location: Missoula, Montana, United States

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Beer for lunch

The problem (among others) of living in the 'Jack is that when I return home on days off, there is no food in the house. Wait, slightly inaccurate, there is some tea, corn meal, pudding mix, stale chips, a jar of pickled okra, and a few bottles of beer. So naturally meal time is an adventure. I have learned however that when not too terribly hungry, beer can be substituted for up to two meals a day, with little ill effect.

Had the annual neighborhood garage sale this morning, had to take a day off work for it. I figure I've worked for the government for three seasons now and never called in sick or taken a day off, I deserve one. Much of the fodder for the sale was made up of remnants of roomates past. It was kind of an adventure trying to track the ancestry of various pieces of clothing or furniture. Of course the best seller remains Nick's pottery, honestly he could make better money selling his pottery than working as a janitor as he does. Couldn't sell the damn ancient tv Mel bought last year and left in the garage. Tried selling it for $1 but no takers, so upped it to $2 and threw in a pair of goggles, gloves, and a 2x4 or cinder block. Still no takers. So by noon the free sign went up and the garage door went down; if any remain by this afternoon it goes to Goodwill.

Been thinking what I will do once I get laid off in two weeks, after the long nap on the couch, and another on the deck, I was thinking about becoming a substitue teacher. In AZ you need only a college degree and a set of finger prints to take over anyones class room for a day, and it is sporadic and infrequent enough to appeal to my vagabond nature. Only concern is a fear of the karma I may have accrued in my years as a student in my behavior towards teachers and subs. It may yet come back to bite me in the ass, but I hope to be the "cool" "hip" "young" teacher that the kids like. Judging by my flagrant use of quotations in that last sentance, the prospects aren't good. And let's hope they don't have me teach english or spelling! "Ok students, today, we are going to learn about punctuation; I like to think of commas and semicolons as a spice, sprinkle them around liberally!" Oh, the carnage I could wreak on their impressinable little minds!


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