Nuggets In The Scree

The story of Jared's trip to Haiti and the human rights work there can be found at . The tale of Jared and Mattie in Sri Lanka working in tsunami relief is at . Wildmeridian will continue to feature the same mix of rambling, musing, and muttering it always has.

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Location: Missoula, Montana, United States

Thursday, June 15, 2006

People watching

The clouds are building overhead and the band has just finished their second number, a chamber music group playing in the town square where I sit drinking my coffee and watching the myriad of people sitting, walking, playing, talking...

Actually, I'm waiting. Any minute now, the rain is going to cut loose and pour down in great sheets. Most of the people watching here with me in the square will take off scrambling for cover, but I'll sit here listening to the music (the band will keep playing of course, for the die hards in the crowd), drinking my coffee, and smiling. Because I know in a minute or so the pretty girl I met last night in this very square will come walking by and I'll wave and she'll smile and we might even dance a dance in the warm summer rain before I ask her out and get her phone number, which I was too nervous to ask for last night. Yep, any minute now...

In the mean time, there is a pack of kids running hither and thither, between cellos and speakers and piccalo players. A woman pushing a baby stroller that looks as though it was engineered by NASA as part of the Mars Rover mission stops and listens for a bit. She must be from out of town. Speaking of out of town, I saw the most Barbie-Doll looking gal I've ever laid eyes on downtown a day or so ago. Never have I seen such a thing on the streets of Flagstaff, I tell ya.

Over on the rocks transients with their faded backpacks; summer time in Flag is a popular spot on the transient circuit. And then there are the three elderly gray haired fellow that turn up at every live music venue in town. Pony Tail, who dances by himself to a rythm that only he knows, Mendocino, who fled a bad marriage in California to dance with the pretty college girls and mock the guys who refuse to dance, and Lazy Eye, who plays a mean jazz guitar every once-in-a-blue-moon.

Yep, lots to see and do and daydream in this middle size town of mine...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a unrelated note: Do you need a place to stay while in SF for the wedding? Email or call and I bet I can dig up a couple of square feet of floor, maybe even a couch if you're lucky ;)

7:05 AM  
Blogger Guillermo said...

I think this Mendocino may be on to something...

3:28 PM  

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