LDB and airdrop
A disclaimer, I did not personally take these particular photo's, but they are illustrative of life and operations here on the Ice.

The LDB inflated and on its' way, taller than the Washington monument.

Long Duration Balloon being inflated to hoist aloft the ANITA nuetrino detection array for a few laps around the continent's upper atmosphere.

A few weeks ago there was an airdrop of cargo at the South Pole. The USAP is constantly looking for a better way to supply the Pole, as everything from fuel to people to freshies must be flown in on C-130's, hundreds of flights every season. This makes even the paper clips extremly expensive, to say nothing of the diesel fuel and apples. In an effort to find cheaper/better ways of getting material to the Pole, a traverse across the continent is underway to explore the possability of an ice road. In the meantime, an airdrop using the larger C-17 Globe Master was done for the first time, rather than the C-130 Hercules or the older C-121 Super Consetellation. BTW, I love the names of these huge cargo planes, don't you?

Pallets slidding out the rear of a C-17 over the south pole.

Cargo for the pole.

The LDB inflated and on its' way, taller than the Washington monument.

Long Duration Balloon being inflated to hoist aloft the ANITA nuetrino detection array for a few laps around the continent's upper atmosphere.

A few weeks ago there was an airdrop of cargo at the South Pole. The USAP is constantly looking for a better way to supply the Pole, as everything from fuel to people to freshies must be flown in on C-130's, hundreds of flights every season. This makes even the paper clips extremly expensive, to say nothing of the diesel fuel and apples. In an effort to find cheaper/better ways of getting material to the Pole, a traverse across the continent is underway to explore the possability of an ice road. In the meantime, an airdrop using the larger C-17 Globe Master was done for the first time, rather than the C-130 Hercules or the older C-121 Super Consetellation. BTW, I love the names of these huge cargo planes, don't you?

Pallets slidding out the rear of a C-17 over the south pole.

Cargo for the pole.
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