Nuggets In The Scree

The story of Jared's trip to Haiti and the human rights work there can be found at . The tale of Jared and Mattie in Sri Lanka working in tsunami relief is at . Wildmeridian will continue to feature the same mix of rambling, musing, and muttering it always has.

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Location: Missoula, Montana, United States

Monday, March 19, 2007

Meat pies

Date Line: Yesterday.

I still haven't seen a kangaroo, but that hasn't stopped me from eating one. I was trolling the supermarket looking to snag supper when, at the meat counter, the kangaroo steak seemed to be the most economical source of animal protein. Eh, when in OZ, do as the Aussie's, right? So I got a steak with the intent of bbq-ing it, but what passes for a grill at my hostel is no more than a big greasy griddle, hardly a proper barbeque. So I just pan fried the thing, with a bit o' garlic and salt, it wasn't bad. Pretty good actually, although I reckon the Nebraska beef market is in no danger from this particular sector. A tad gamey, like it wasn't dressed properly, although I think that is the natural flavor. Still, with enough garlic and salt, downright decent, especially when the leftovers go into a curry.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen a crocodile yet either, but I ate a crocodile meat pie also. I asked the gal behind the counter if they actually tasted good or if it was a tourist gimmick. She didn't know, hadn't had one. But it was tasty, and as you may imagine, a bit like chicken.

Date Line: Today.

I have seen 3 kangaroos, but still no crocodile. Did see dolphins, koalas, and several thousand flying fox bats. No bat meat pie on the menu in the immediate future however.

Date Line: Tommorrow.

Sydney. I hope.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does it mean to describe a meat as gamey?

I have never quite understood that one.

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best description I can think of is when the real meat tastes a bit like organ meats, ie liver. Often a bit of meat becomes gamey when an animal is not killed quickley, but like a deer that is gut shot has a chance to run for some time before dying. The lactic acid builds up in the muscle and affects the taste. The other common reason for gamey taste is an error when the animal is gutted and dressed, when perhaps an organ is punctured and spills bile or stomach contents on the meat. Or if the scent glands of a critter come into contact with the meat. On the other hand some animals are naturally gamey to a palate that is used to grain finished beef. Antelope for one, and possibly kangaroo and a tiny bit naturally gamey. Actually with antelope it is more than a tiny bit.

Does that clear things up?

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually come to think of it, organs need not nessecarily be punctured or spilled for a gamey taste, just failing to cool the meat quickley can have the same effect.

4:41 PM  
Blogger Guillermo said...

Gamey meat is like a religious experience; you'll know when you have it.

I agree with the lactic acid build-up. I once ate some emu that was killed in the middle of its Tae-Bo class and it tasted exactly as you described.

9:39 AM  

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