Nuggets In The Scree

The story of Jared's trip to Haiti and the human rights work there can be found at . The tale of Jared and Mattie in Sri Lanka working in tsunami relief is at . Wildmeridian will continue to feature the same mix of rambling, musing, and muttering it always has.

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Location: Missoula, Montana, United States

Friday, June 10, 2005

Bluegrass, Belgian Beer, and Home

Things I have been looking forward to for some time:

Hiking the peaks, seeing the world spread out below and the rocky slopes above while manuvering around snow fields above tree line.

Drinking sweet Belgian beer while listening to my favorite bluegrass band at the Wine Loft downtown.

Standing around the kitchen with the roomates discussing the problems of the day and how to brew and distill a good strawberry brandy.

Real Mexican food.

Jimmy Buffett music.

Miller High Life, the Champagne of Beers.

And more. I am home and glad to be there, for however long it lasts. Actually I already kbow how long it lasts, 1 week more to be exact. Then I am off to Wyoming to lead a NOLS course in the Wind River Mountains for a month, first stopping of in Colorado on the way to visit an old friend, do some buisness, and attend a job fair for Raytheon Polar Services division. Yep, they are the concessionaires who service the science colony in Antarctica and I fancy working for 'em. Janitor, fry cook, bus boy, recreation coordinator, whatever they let me do that gets me to the big ice.

Mean time I am enjoying all that Flagstaff in the summer has to offer; tommorrow is the folk music festival and yesterday I went for a hike in the mountains. Nick finally got a third roomate, though it took him 3 months to do it. That just means that I am sleeping on the couch in my own house, but it only makes sence as I am here for so little time. When I first got back though, it did seem strange; I felt as if I was going in every direction at once and it took a day or two to settle here and not feel like I should keep my bag half packed to leave again. So I look forward to getting home in August and staying put for awhile.

Till then, I continue not gathering any moss.


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