Nuggets In The Scree

The story of Jared's trip to Haiti and the human rights work there can be found at . The tale of Jared and Mattie in Sri Lanka working in tsunami relief is at . Wildmeridian will continue to feature the same mix of rambling, musing, and muttering it always has.

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Location: Missoula, Montana, United States

Monday, August 08, 2005

Wandered off my map...

Managed to navigated hundreds of miles of wilderness through the Rocky Mountains, and thousands more on the black tops and dirt roads of the mountain west, but now that I am home, I am finally lost.

Short Mel was unavailable in Sante Fe and Tall Mel I missed by am inch, so I pushed on through to Flagstaff. And then? I don't really have any firm plans, any hard vision of what I am doing now. I guess part of that is because I know from experiance that despite my desire to come home and be in one place for awhile, to stop living out of ruck sack and truck bed and let the boots cool off, it is only a matter of weeks before I get itchy, twitchy, and start looking at maps, travelogues, guidebooks, and plane tickets. So I'm torn between the desire to settle in and the desire to rehab my kit and stand by to move out.

The roomates managed to kill the geese and the rubarb in my absence, though I can't fault them for the geese, the coppers finally got wise to our operation and raided the place. And by that I mean they left a notice taped to our door firmly but politly telling us we had 24 hours to remove them our they would do it for us. Actually, it may have been worth the cost of the citation to see a bunch to flatfoots trying to wrangle the beasts. But the rubarb, that will be slow to can you honestly mistake the big red shoots and huge green leaves for weeds? The rest of the garden does look good though, and remarkably free of weeds.

The roof leaks and monsoon is here, saturating the streets, forests, and my laundry room. Told Nick to make sure the roofers kept their appointment, to call them if they didn't show. Weeks passed. Months passed. The roofers didn't come and Nick didn't call, so now I await the coming tide and the roofers estimate with trepidation.

I am considering moving into the garage. Nic had a friend come to visit while I was gone, and he made a corner of the garage into a fairly respectable little den, and I am considering moving into it, as opposed to moving into and out of what ever bedroom happens to be vacant or sleeping on the couch for a week when I am returning from or departing on some journey, whichever the case may be. Unfortunatly the garage is packed floor to ceiling with...well, all sorts of stuff, belonging to an assortment of folks, many of which don't live here anymore. We do have a community garage sale coming up, but not for another month, and by then I may well have either left the country or conducted a perscribed burn. We are planning a part however, round the 10th or so of September to celebrate Nick's leaving, Jared's returning, and my eminant birthday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to hear ya got back to the flag... hope your insurance co. covers the roof repair... other members of the fold have been busy cleaning "bad karma" and other assorted crap from the cabin that was vacated by the evicted...

2:52 PM  

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