Pictures of toilets and broom closets
Just kidding. Although in reality, I see more of that than I do of these scenes I actually am posting. But that isn't why a person goes to Antarctica is it?

A Wedell seal laying out on the sea ice just outside the station. He looks dead, though he is just sleeping, with frost forming on his windward side.

A C-130 Hercules and what I believe is a Twin Otter, both on skis out on the sea ice runway. I get to go out there every few weeks and clean the toilets in Ice Town, as the airport is known.

The final sunset of the season. It went down for only a few moments at 12:43 am on October 23rd and won't set again until some time in Feb, just circling round and round overhead till then.

Mt Erebus, with Castle Rock in the middle ground. We can't see Erebus from the station, so anytime you get a glimpse over the ridge, it just jumps out at you, BAM! When it isn't hiding in cloud and mist. Kinda like a ninja in that way...

A Wedell seal laying out on the sea ice just outside the station. He looks dead, though he is just sleeping, with frost forming on his windward side.

A C-130 Hercules and what I believe is a Twin Otter, both on skis out on the sea ice runway. I get to go out there every few weeks and clean the toilets in Ice Town, as the airport is known.

The final sunset of the season. It went down for only a few moments at 12:43 am on October 23rd and won't set again until some time in Feb, just circling round and round overhead till then.

Mt Erebus, with Castle Rock in the middle ground. We can't see Erebus from the station, so anytime you get a glimpse over the ridge, it just jumps out at you, BAM! When it isn't hiding in cloud and mist. Kinda like a ninja in that way...
What is that seal's name?? Ivory? ie: tusks and oosik. Great photo's.. nice sunset
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