Nuggets In The Scree

The story of Jared's trip to Haiti and the human rights work there can be found at . The tale of Jared and Mattie in Sri Lanka working in tsunami relief is at . Wildmeridian will continue to feature the same mix of rambling, musing, and muttering it always has.

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Location: Missoula, Montana, United States

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Jared's liver speaks out

I am back home now, and for the most part refraining from heavy drinking. Partly because I can't afford it. OK, mostly because I can't afford it. But that's alright, because over the holidays it would seem I did enough of that. In particular on a certain trip to Rocky Point, Mex. Sure, I know what you're thinking, another sordid tale of debauchery in Little Arizona, but this one is differant. This one involves the whole family.

We descided to do something differant for Christmas this year. We fled the country. Upon arriving in Puerto Penasco and checking in to our hotel, (around 3pm) we set out on a mission for food and beer. And by that I mean mostly beer. During the course of that afternoon and evening, my mother, brother, father, and I walk from one end of town to the other, bar hopping along the way, guided by the fuzzy recollections of my younger brother, who despite having logged the most time in RP, also was drunk most of that time. So navigating was fun. By 9pm brother Clay has bought mom several rounds of tequila and dad has made friends with some local fishermen and bought a big blanket with a half naked indian woman on it. But he got us a ride back to the hotel out of the deal in the fisherman's truck, so that was nice.

Back in the hotel bar a few more drinks and some supper to soak it all up (as well as a coffee and liquor combo served on fire!) and teh folks headed off to bed. Brother and I, invited by the bartended, go out to some club or another and have a beer, where I head home. But not brother Clay, he goes with the bartender to a strip joint down the street, where mom and dad find him getting a lap dance some time later when he doesn't come home with me.

The next day we find ourselves out at Cholla Bay searching for a marina that doesn't exist, instead finding a little ex-patriat bar showing the highlight reel from Superbowl 32, that epic battle in which the Broncos beat the Packers. So we sit don and relive that glorious game drinking mexican beer and eating fish tacos. Did I mention it was 11 am? And that we more or less did not stop drinking for any appreciable amount of time whilest in Mexico? That night at dinner in the hotel the bartender greets Clay with a holler and a free drink. Later we go out to give the folks some time alone on thier anniversary and at a random strip joint some of the dancers recognize Clay and come over to say hi. Dang, this kid has been back in the country for like 24 hours and he already is getting the VIP treatment.

Anyway, a fairly relaxed vacation, we returned to the states on Christmas day, having missed the last few frantic days of "BUY BUY BUY" bombarding the populace back home.

But nothing like getting shitfaced together for family bonding though, right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Larry say's.............

!!!!! Git 'er done !!!!!!!!

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi J this is GW. Finally got to your blog sight. What an interesting photo! Looks pretty scarey to me! What an interesting young man you are! Was great to see ya over New Years! Try an adventure out here sometime! later!

9:04 AM  

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