Nuggets In The Scree

The story of Jared's trip to Haiti and the human rights work there can be found at . The tale of Jared and Mattie in Sri Lanka working in tsunami relief is at . Wildmeridian will continue to feature the same mix of rambling, musing, and muttering it always has.

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Location: Missoula, Montana, United States

Tuesday, December 28, 2004


I used to have a talk with my kids on the last night of the trip; in those last few hours before they were returned to the chaotic world of parents, friends, phones & internet, school, and life we would talk about the weeks prior when they had known only the dozen people around them and their backpacks, their homes for that 2 week period. I tried to prepare them for the inevitable culture shock of returning to a world that moves at freeway speed rather than trail pace. Where a supermarket displays every concievable food right before your eyes as opposed to the food bag in your back pack, containing dried hummus, mangled pitas, pasta & furry cheese.

I am home. In Flagstaff. Alone. I've returned from big adventure, where is everybody? Nearly all my friends from Flag are gone for the holidays visiting family, on vacation, graduated and left months ago, and on and on. That's ok, I have 15 pounds of clams, several dozen shrimp, and a bottle of white wine to keep me company. Actually I did find one friend to come over and keep me from trying to devour the Sea of Cortez myself. Instead we both got stuffed on good mexican seafood.

So now I find myself planning the coming months and where I may be and be working. And how I can possibly scheme a way to Guatemala to meet up with a pretty Dutch girl I met at a road side bar in Cuba.

Possible mas viajo, verdad?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear fellow readers of Jared’s blog,
It should be noted that when Jared made his re-entry into Arizona airspace, and after his light touchdown, he had what could be best described as some kind of an aura around him, just like the Deloran car that stared in “Back to the Future”… there was a kind of glow around him, with bolts of electricity still zapping around, and wisps of smoke and steam coming off his cloths…. It was like he had just blasted through a time warp of some kind, and was still hot to the touch…….. Like other space / time traveling vehicles, they must soon be made ready for another blast off into the unknown…. “You know what makes these things fly…? Bucks. No bucks, no Buck Rogers” (from the book “The Right Stuff”).

De tal palo, tal astilla

9:08 AM  

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